

Szőce község címere
(Vas megye)

Pajzs alakú kék mezőben kettős ívű zöld dombon hátsó két lábán álló fehér lovon királyi méltóság ül, mellette tőzegmoha.
A címer jelentése: a két domb a község elhelyezkedését ábrázolja, a lován ülő királyi alak a község határában a tatárok elől átvonuló IV. Béla királyunk, a tőzegmoha Szőce község szigorúan védett természetvédelmi területének európai jelentőségű védett növénye.

The Coat-of-Arms of the Village of Szőce
(The County of Vas)

Our settlement is in Vas county at the gate of the Őrseg. It was mentioned as Zelche in 1286.
Its resident population is 403 people.
The village has three parts( as the inhabitants say): Ószeg, Főszeg and Rimány. 90 people live at Rimány.
There are two summer camps at Ószeg. The Ádám Béri Balogh dancegroup( from Körmend) makes preparations for its summer performances here.
There are the church from the Árpád-age( XI-XIII. century) and the Szélesvizi Peatmoss field at Főszeg. The church is called after St. Andrew and the patronal festival is also connected to this day. The church was renovated in the year of the millenium that's why you can see the different characteristic architecture signs. The tower and the western facade was built in Romanesque style, the walls and the sancratory were built in Gothic style. There is the crypt under the floor of the sancratory. There are the 'shameful stone' next to the gate and the ossarium on the right side.

The Szélesvizi Peatmoss Field belongs to the Őrség National Park Directorate, it is a severly protected area. It was discovered by Tamás Pócs in 1958. There are several spices of moss in the area. It has very rich flora and fauna. There are 5-6000 kinds of living creatures on a square metre. It has a special micro-climate. The temperature is sometimes around zero degree Celsius in August.
There were two important historic roads next to the outskirts of the village: the Amber Way and the King Road from Székesfehérvár to Italy. According to the tradition Béla IV. run away from the Tartars on this road. The king's delineation is in the arms of the village.
There are the Amber Lake to south and the Vadása Lake to west( from Szőce).
An 'eHungary point' functions in our community.

The arms of the village:
The two hills symbolize the two parts of the village: Ószeg and Főszeg. There is a king who rides on a white horse, he is Béla IV. He runs away the Tartars on the 'Kerá' way to the coast.
There is the peatmoss on the upper right corner that has many kinds in our village.
The arms of the village was designes and painted by Ádám Kislégi-Nagy in 1991.